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Double Glazing Dorking – white uPVC Windows and French Doors

Window And Door Upgrades, Dorking

Our customer had single glazed timber windows and French doors which suffered from condensation and were draughty and cold.

The windows and French Doors were in their main bedroom and they wanted to replace them so they were warmer in the winter months.

The windows had Georgian Bars which were extremely time-consuming to rub down and re-paint and the customer was keen to reduce the amount and cost of maintenance on their older, period property.

We supplied and installed white Liniar uPVC A-rated double glazed windows and French Doors with chamfered framing and surface mounted Georgian Bars.

The French Doors had attractive gold coloured handles.

White Liniar uPVC A-rated windows with surface mounted Georgian Bars

White Liniar uPVC A-rated windows with surface mounted Georgian Bars

White Liniar uPVC A-rated windows with surface mounted Georgian Bars

White Liniar uPVC A-rated windows with surface mounted Georgian Bars
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